> HCB Award - Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
Longchamp, Paris, 1969 © Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson / Magnum Photos

HCB Award

The HCB Award, granted by the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson once every two years, supports the creation of an ambitious photography project.

The HCB Award provides 35,000 euros and is accompanied by an exhibition and a publication of the project.

It is intended for a photographer who has already completed a significant body of work, close to the documentary approach. The candidate must be supported by a professional from the photography field (gallery, museum, publisher, media, independent curator, etc.).

A pre-selection committee reviews all applications. The jury members can access all dossiers during the final deliberations. The winner is selected by an international jury of seven prominent personalities of the art world. Each jury member has one voice. The final decision of the jury remains undisputable.

The winner’s artwork project realised thanks to this grant will be exhibited at the Fondation HCB and published as a book, in the Spring 2025.



February 20 – April 30, 2023 : Call for entries

April 30, 2023 : Application deadline (date as per postmark)

June 2023 : HCB Award 2023 announcement

July 2023 : Return of the application files to the candidates

Spring 2025 : Book and exhibition at the Fondation HCB of the 2023 winner’s project

The 2025 call for application will open in the early months of 2025.

The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès is the patron of the HCB Award.


For more information: prixhcb@henricartierbresson.org